早鳥價 $10 (4/30截止) Early bird price $10 (ends on 4/30) 原價 $20 Original price $20 10人或以上同時報名 $10/每位 10 or more people register at the same time $10/person (團體報名請負責同工電郵至Event@GoodTVUSA.TV) (For group registration, please email Event@GoodTVUSA.TV)
*恕不提供兒童照護,15歲(含)以上需報名繳費參加,請勿攜帶嬰兒和孩童與會 No child care is provided. Aged 15 and above need to register. Please do not bring infants and children to the conference **報名費包含教材 Registration fee including materials. ***實名制報名,恕不接受轉讓報名資格 Real-name registration is required, transfer of registration will not be accepted